“Yet those who wait for the LORD, will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary” -Isaiah 40:31
Waiting has always been a challenge for youngest child, spoiled Joey Staples. The pace of society today hasn’t helped me at all. I expect instant answers and instant solutions. I text someone and expect an answer within 5 minutes. A century ago, if someone missed the stagecoach, they had to wait a month till it came through again. Today, if the plane is five minutes late, most people go berserk. But the truth is, God is in control. His timing is paramount to our well being, IF we choose to trust Him.
The attached poem by Robert Schuller has always proven true to me:
God’s Delay is Not God’s Denial
God always hears and answers prayer,
Though long may be the trial.
Let patience bloom while God prepares;
Delay is not denial.
When God would glorify His Name,
And make His blessing great;
The one whose heart God's will doth frame
Must sometimes pray and wait.
But come, the answer surely must,
For God has never lied.
And faith, which looks at God in trust,
God never has denied.
So when the weeks turn months, then years,
And doubt feign would defile,
Beseech the more and that with tears;
Delay is not denial.
God always hears our prayers,
But He does not always say, "Yes!"
Sometimes He says, "Wait"
Sometimes He says, "No"
For He has something better for us.
God's delays are not denials,
He has heard your prayer;
He knows all about your trials,
Knows your every care.
God's delays are not denials,
Help is on the way,
He is watching o'er life's dials,
Bringing forth that day.
God's delays are not denials,
You will find Him true,
Working through the darkest trials,
What is best for you.
God has a good plan for our lives also.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
May we welcome God’s change of plans as good. Look back on the times when God blocked a plan and “caused all things to work together for good.” I’m so glad that Paula and I broke up (by note) in 6th grade! I’m glad, because God had another person waiting, Jeanie, as a part of His plan. And we’ve been married 37 years!
May we all rest and be secure in HIS plan. May we all wait well. Resting in His care and walking at HIS pace makes all the difference. Even when none of it makes sense, we trust in His plan. Whether it’s a “yes,” “wait,” or “no,” He is in control. His ways are always higher…
…so, may we rest in the lower.
By Eric Joseph Staples ©