Not a blog, per se, but an opportunity to tell everyone
thanks for the outpouring of love on the passing of my dear brother Pelham this past week. I'd prefer to respond individually to every voicemail, letter, email, text and post to the blog, but there are just too many.
Your prayers and encouragement have made a huge difference to the Staples family.
During my crazy drive to Houston during the wee hours of Tuesday morning, your prayers kept me alert.
During the difficult week at MD Anderson, your prayer gave the doctors discernment.
During Pel's struggle to battle the cancer, your prayers gave him strength.
During the difficult decisions of Wednesday and Thursday, your prayers gave the family wisdom.
During Pel's letting go, I'm confident your prayers gave him peace.
And during the grieving through his death, your prayers are giving us comfort and assurance.
Now, we face another difficult journey as we move on without Pel. But God is more than graceful to fill the void.
Thank you for your continued prayers in the days ahead and for your friendship.
So grateful,
Joseph Staples on behalf of the Staples family
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