“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” –Romans 13:1
The American political system is crazy! The irony is that craziness is what makes America remarkable and beautiful as well. Freedom allows us to navigate and sift through the mess of people who desire to run this country. As Christ followers, we need to remember that our peace and security don't lie in our elected officials. Our strength comes from the Lord. And, lest we think that there was more security there in the past, let me remind you of a few nutty elections. Arguably, the top four craziest elections in American history didn’t even occur in our lifetime. Here it goes…
#4 Year: 1824 Candidates: Jackson vs Adams vs Clay vs Crawford
There were 4 candidates running for president. Jackson won the popular vote, 41% and more of the electoral votes, but not enough to win the election. Via the 12th amendment, the top three candidates went to the House of Representatives, which left out Clay. The vote was so close that it went to the speaker of the house to break the tie. Clay was the speaker of the House and hated Jackson, so he broke the tie and voted for Adams.
Winner: Adams.
#3 Year: 1828 Candidates: Andrew Jackson vs John Quincy Adams
As you just read, Jackson had lost to Adams in 1824. Henry Clay, speaker of the house, cast the tie-breaking vote. Adams then appointed Clay as Sec. of State. Jackson was furious. Adams was accused of giving a prostitute to a Russian Czar. Jackson’s wife was called an adulteress because she married Jackson before finalizing her divorce from her previous husband. Jackson’s wife, Rachel, died before the inauguration, and at the funeral Jackson blamed his opponents for her death. At the White House Inauguration party, mass confusion infused. (Imagine having CNN to cover all of this!)
Winner: Jackson
#2 Year: 1860 Candidates: Lincoln/Douglas in the north vs Breckenridge/Douglas/Bell on the south
In the 1850’s, the country was about to explode. In the 1856 election, the South threatened secession if a republican won the election, so the country elected Buchanan. By 1860, the country was weakening and the people blamed Buchanan. The country was so divided that the southern states didn’t even have Lincoln on the ballot. But Lincoln won the election and a month later South Carolina voted to leave the Union. Eventually, 12 other states would follow and the disaster called the Civil War followed.
Winner: Lincoln
#1 Year: 1912 Candidates: Wilson vs Taft vs Roosevelt
The Republican’s picked Taft, the sitting president, over Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt, furious, walked out of the convention and ran as a third party candidate. It split the party and Wilson won the election
Winner: Wilson
The list goes on and on. There have been 56 presidential elections and they have all been a mess! But our awesome God has shown grace and favor to our country and we continue to be the beacon of liberty across the world.
May we all continue to pray for our leaders and be obedient Christ followers as we honor this country.
And may God shed His grace on this wonderful place we call the United States of America.
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
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